Each pocket of generosity is hand stitched with African pieces of fabric and BIG LOVE!
The ultimate intention is for people to purchase these pockets put something of value into them and then give them to another person, random or not who would then put something of meaning to them and then share them with another and so on.
Patti started this endeavor just prior to Covid’s 2020 lockdown and so the act of sharing and seeing how far each pocket would travel expanding generosity and joy was minimized. People still bought the pockets and gave them to friends. She gained quite a following and people started to save pockets for her to embellish and sell.

Now that restrictions are being slowly lifted Patti will establish an instagram account where people can share the joy they experience in sharing the pockets.
She would love each pocket to travel around the world connecting people in joy and offered with in such a way that the giver, the receiver and even the gift becomes irrelevant..and just open connection prevails with the promise of infinite possibilities.
Pin your pocket onto a favourite jacket or bag until you are ready to offer it to someone else.